Friday, 21 June 2013

#3 Haze Pollutants

Current PSI: 187 (Singapore Time: 3:40pm)

This will be last post for our pollutants series as we cover the last 2 pollutants.

5) Carbon monoxide

Many of you would have heard of this famously fatal gas. Largely related to car exhaust, there have been isolated deaths from carbon monoxide due to dumb cases of people sleeping in their cars. Here is an example:

What carbon monoxide does is it screws up your oxygen intake by latching on to the oxygen carrier-  hemoglobin, present in your blood. Get enough carbon monoxide and eventually you die. Symptoms of mild acute poisoning include lightheadedness, confusion, headaches, vertigo, and flu-like effects; larger exposures can lead to significant toxicity of the central nervous system and heart.

Kids studying chemistry can do a practical now by experimenting on how many breaths of hazy air they can draw and record how they are feeling. No, seriously don't do that, just stay indoors.

6) Water Vapour

Normally not harmful, ever present water vapour in the air starts to become acidic. The neutral compound is actually the most harmful of all the pollutants floating around and there is no way to avoid it. Even the N95 masks cannot stop them from entering into your lungs.

Just kidding. We have actually covered 6 pollutants excluding water vapour which is not harmful. PM 10 and 2.5 were placed into one category but are really 2 different pollutants.

Stay safe Singapore. Consider refusing to go to work and the economy will slow. This might be the only way to pressure the government to move faster.

Too many girls wearing surgical masks..when will they learn. Share this page to preserve the chio bus in SG. Not many to begin with and we are losing them in this national crisis.

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